Cultured Sour Cream (SCD)

Who knew it was this easy to make your own cultured sour cream? All you need is some heavy cream, a mason jar and plain yogurt, kefir or sour cream as a starter. Set your new science project in a nice warm spot near the radiator and let it ferment for 24-48 hours. When it's thick and sour enough to suit your taste, pop it in the fridge. Cultured sour cream made with this extended fermentation process is free of lactose, for those who are lactose intolerant or want to avoid milk sugars. Delicious served with fresh fruit or fruit compote.

Cultured Sour Cream
From Heal Your Gut Cookbook by Hilary Boynton
Makes about 1 pint

mason jar with tight fitting lid
pint of heavy cream
2 Tblsp plain yogurt, kefir or sour cream

In the clean mason jar combine the cream and the starter (either yogurt, kefir or sour cream). Cap tightly and wrap in a kitchen towel. Set it in a warm spot where it won't be disturbed. Check on the cream in 24 hours and, if not thick enough, again after another 24 hours.

When thickened to your satisfaction, unwrap the towel and store the cream in the refrigerator. Use cultured cream anywhere you'd use sour cream.